Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Companions on a Journey

Wow, what a weekend.  God truly is doing awesome things back home.  Who am I kidding?  God is doing awesome things everywhere!

Well, this past weekend I had the opportunity to go back home and help with a retreat.  It made me realize how blessed I really am to have a group of friends to grow with on my walk. God wants us to gain fellowship with other Christians.

Going to a Christian university may give me a higher chance of having those Christian friends, (trust me, I know...especially after going through all of my other schooling without any other real Christian friends at school) but I have found that God has placed certain believers in my life to help encourage me on my walk, and for me to also encourage them as well.

This semester has been so cool growing in my own faith, but also openly talking about my faith with others.  Theology and scripture has really excited me within the last few months, and I could talk about it for hours.  Having other believers in my life to help go deeper into the word has been so beneficial.

One thing is for sure, I am blessed to have a team of prayer warriors by my side when I need the prayer and accountability.  It is nice to know that I am not always alone in this fight.

You may feel like you do not have that many real Christian friends in your life, and I do know where you are coming from.  I have spent the last eighteen years with very few Christian friends, and the few I had were not even found at my school.  It makes me wonder as I type this...I complain that I had no Christian friends in high school, but was I really doing a good part in being an example to my peers?

Well, if anything...I now want to be an example to others...not just to unbelievers, but to everyone.  I can name so many people who set an example and help encourage me, and I know I should be doing the same to others.

Love...Compassion...Respect...Honesty...High Fives...Look around you and you will find God's children.

These are your companions on your journey.

...cheesy ending, I know...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deep Breath

It is Tuesday already?  Praise the Lord!

Some may complain that it is only Tuesday, but I have had a lot to give praise about.  Yesterday I thought that this was going to be the worst week ever.  I was so sick, and I have recently been piled up with projects.  Ok, so now as I type this, it does not seem like I have a whole lot to complain about.  I guess today just seems a lot better than yesterday.  I feel a little bit better, and I got one project completed and presented.

God just knows how to take care of me when I need it....well, I need it all of the time.  We as humans are helpless without God.  I seriously do not know what I would do without him.  When I get so caught up in the stresses of life I often forget that God is there to help get me through it.

Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

That is so true! I know it is true because I experience it every day! I thought yesterday would never end, but I can gladly say that it has all passed.  The crud I was all worried about is over, and now I actually have time today to just rest and thank God.

Ok, so I may have skipped my first class today, (sorry you found out this way, mom) but I have rested up and am ready for whatever is ahead of me.  Zumba tonight? ...Sure.

What I am getting at is that God is pushing me through.  I owe it all to him.  He has even been so gracious to provide amazing people in my life to encourage me throughout the day even when I have no motivation whatsoever.

Have stresses in life? ...give it to God.

Having a crappy day?...tomorrow is near.

Need to rest? ...me too...but I know that God is taking care of me and will give me that moment to rest.

Have a great week everyone.  Give it to God :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

Well...Valentine's Day.

Yep. Valentine's Day.

It's today...Valentine's Day.

Did you forget?  Oh come on...everyone at Olivet has been talking about it.  You see, if you were not aware, I attend a college where the motto "ring by spring" is often used.  For the people reading this that have no clue what that means, well...it is pretty much a big hype about getting married to your boyfriend/girlfriend in college.  Okay, so it may feel like there is a lot of pressure to find your future spouse on campus because it feels like everyone finds "the one" here.

I am a freshman in college.  That idea just...stresses me out.

You see, for once in my life I have given it to God...you know, the relationship thing.  I am sick of not listening to God and doing what I want just to get my heart broken.  Well, to tell you the truth...listening to God about this has actually been the most amazing thing ever. (Weird, I know.)

I want my next relationship to be God-centered.  I want to be pleasing God.  God has shown me what kind of wife I need to become, and how there are actually amazing men out there.  I trust God that he will write my love story and provide a time for cupid to strike me (and a man) at the perfect time in my life.

So yes....Valentine's Day.  For the first time ever I can actually say I have plans for today with someone.  It is exciting, it really is, but Valentine's Day has also shown me that showing your love and affection towards people should not be on a set holiday.  No, you should show your love to everyone...every day!  Crazy, I know.

Well, there is someone that shows their love for me every day.  I may fail him daily, but his love surpasses everything.  The author of love challenges me to show his love to others through me...daily.

So for all you love birds out there, (or the singles...) God shows his love to us every day.  Praise the Lord for he is awesome!

Do not feel lonely today.  The creator of love is fully open for you to receive his ultimate prize.  He says, "be mine."

Have a great day everyone :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Wow.  It seems like it has been so long since I have wrote a blog.  Well, it is Tuesday.  Here I am, world!

I am laughing right now because I have spent my whole weekend writing papers for school and I finally got done, but now I am writing once again.  At least I enjoy this type of writing...

So...This week has been pretty exciting.  I have been back at school for almost a month now and we are in the middle of our revival week! It has been such an amazing experience.  It is so easy to get caught up in the school work and other things going on in life and forget what it is really about...glorifying God!!!

This has been a great opportunity to just open up and give it all to Him.

Through this last semester, I have found that college is my new home.  My life is here now and it has been so nice coming into this semester with a positive outlook on the next chapter in my life.  Yes, I still have people back at home that I love dearly, but college is pushing me more and more to grow into the woman-of-Christ God has planned for me.

Today in chapel, we had a few speakers talk about being called.  You know, called...as in God hinting of opportunities to work and glorify Him.  Going to Olivet, I really do not think I came here for my career...I came here because I was called.  God has a purpose for my life, and knows this is the perfect place for me to equip myself for the next thing He has planned for me.

I am so excited as to what God is going to be doing in my life.

Well...it is revival week.  God is doing awesome things on this campus.  Let's get out of the winter blues, and start praising the Lord!