I feel so old posting this. Okay, not really, but this week I did celebrate another birthday. This girl is now a twenty year-old. Honestly, this was probably one of my favorite birthdays. I have great roommates, and an awesome boyfriend who made it extra special.
My roommates surprised me with a toilet paper covered desk, wall, chair, bed, door, and post-it noted computer. Ahhh, the love. With our excessive amounts of stored toilet paper, I do not blame them for using it. Haha.
What made me the most joyful was having a knight in shining armor come and take good care of me. My boyfriend, Chris treated me very well. He first took me out on an awesome date to Applebee's on Saturday. On Sunday he bought me an amazing outfit and necklace to wear for my birthday. On my birthday...wow, he over-did himself. He started our night off by giving me a list of 20 memorable locations that we have shared together (because it was my 20th birthday). He even made me a really cool picture of us...like total "arts & crafts"/"took time to put together" kind of gift. What a special guy I have in my life.
I feel that I talk so much about him, but he is a big part of my life...he is my best friend. I see God in our relationship so much that it tears me up every time I think about it. Why did I get so blessed? God has given us so many good signs about our relationship, and it is our job to make sure we are honoring Him in all that we do.
It is always nice to get your parents' approval about the person you are in a relationship with, but it is even nicer when another adult goes up and says that as well. My favorite professor has come up to both of us this week and gave us affirmation. So cool!
This post is not meant to be a big bragging session. Let us be honest, Chris and I are figuring out this relationship thing every day. It takes work, and full reliance on God to make it.
Now that I am twenty, I should be stepping up and becoming that woman-of-God that I have been striving to be. Last year I was figuring out who I am as a woman and what God has planned for my life. This year I have a better idea about who I am as a woman, and am more open-minded to listening to what God has planned for my life.
I have been making it a goal to go through the entire Bible by the end of the year. I have now reached the gospel of John. This may sound bad, but I feel that everything that I have been reading since I started in Genesis in January is now finally clicking. Everything points to Christ. Christ should be my ultimate goal in everything I do...this includes my relationship with Chris.
I hope to start blogging more, and am debating on doing a blog-a-day again December. It is kind of something I will pray and see if God puts it on my heart or not. Till then, I am going to open up my Bible :)