Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Am Forgiven

Wow.  My first week back is already coming to a close.  Honestly, you do not know how happy I am to be back.  God has really been taking care of me to start a new journey.  Now if only he could help me a little more by taming down the homework...

Recently, I feel like God has been putting something on my heart.  You see, I have suffered a lot of depression within the last few months.  It has been rough, but I get better each day.

I have always been able to forgive others.  I do not just immediately forgive does take time...but I have never really had a problem with holding a grudge.  I get hurt all of the time.  People are human, I know that.  It helps build my character when I am able to forgive others.  My problem is that I struggle with forgiving myself for the mistakes I have made in my life.

You may not have that problem.  I guess I am just very hard on myself.  God is always telling me that he forgives me from what I have done, it is just that for some reason, I cannot seem to forgive myself and move on.

God is rather amazing.  He offers this thing called grace (notice the pun?)  God loves me so much that he is willing to look past my mistakes and let me not live in a life of guilt.  He allows me a chance to move on, and grow from my faults.  The stories of how I had once disobeyed the Lord, and was willing to accept his forgiveness can be a testimony to others who struggle with those issues.  With God, I can become a whole new person...a person that shines in him.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.  The old has gone, the new is here!

...that means that we are given a second chance!  If we confess to God our sins and let him forgive us, we can show the devil that we are not letting him conquer us.

I do not want to live in a life of guilt and shame.  The mistakes I have made have broken me, but God has allowed room for me to be built back up...for him!

This blog was intended to be a reminder to me that God forgives me, and I should forgive myself too.  If you are reading this and face the same type of struggle as me, I want to remind you that God is by your side and wants you to go to him for forgiveness to help you move on from the guilt.

If you ever need a reminder of Christ's forgiveness, take a look at 1 Peter 2:24: "He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed."

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