Wow. What a beautiful week it has been! I feel like I am constantly talking about how awesome this weather is.
I cannot believe that there is a little less than a month and a half left of school! My freshman year of college is totally almost over! That means I have to start growing up...soon.
These last few months in general have flown by. The more I spend time here on campus, the more I realize how blessed I am to be at my school. I could not ask for a better freshman year of college. As I am rambling right now, I feel the need to ramble more...about things that have nothing to do with the above topics.
Ok, I am just going to say it right now. I am not sure what it is, but I feel that I may take a little break from writing blogs for awhile. Next Tuesday will be my last written blog for awhile. I love doing my video blogs, so I will still continue to do those. It is not that I am getting burnt out of writing blogs, I just want to make sure I am writing things genuinely and not things that come up from the top of my head that sound good. So...I am taking a break from writing and focusing on my video blogs for awhile.
...Now back to this is so amazing! I find myself playing outside than doing...about anything else. I know what you are thinking and yes, I have still been making time to do my homework. All of the yucky assignments for the semester are done with, so I am just coasting by the next few weeks.
As I spend my time outside, I cannot help but to just stop and thank God! Birds are chirping. Flowers are blooming. Trees are budding. Bunnies are...hopping. I am even getting a shade darker. (Olivet appropriate sunbathing of course!)
This whole coming of Spring (in March) makes me find ways to glorify God even more. Winter just reminds me of death. It is cold...dark...dead...ehhh.
I look at my own life with Christ. Without Him, I am dead, but Christ was willing to come and die for me...and He gave me life! Wow, God is so awesome! Winter may be a depressing time, but Spring will is coming now! Life is all around us! God's beautiful creation is surrounding us making us in awe of who God is.
2 Corinthians 4:6 says: "For God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ."
Christ is the light. Spring is such a great reminder of God's glory.
Oh, I could just keep talking about how awesome God is, but my rambling should probably come to an end. Give thanks to God today! Praise the Lord!
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