Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God's Prayer Hotline (Toll-Free)

Wednesday, you had arrived and left faster than I ever had expected.  Do not get me wrong, I am very thankful of that.  Although I should not be thanking you, Wednesday, for you are only a day of the week.  I must again thank God for getting me through another day.

He is amazing, really.  Even in those times when I feel I have no way to get through, He is right by my side.  

Something that I have noticed recently is that there is a lot of prayer needed...all over.  It almost sounds overwhelming to think about, but then I get this inner peace that God is going to take care of it.  

The prayer requests do not all reflect with what is going on in my life, but with so many others.  Being honest, it is hard to focus and remember everything.  

This weekend I have decided to make a giant wall of post-its around my bedroom.  I will have a side labeled "Prayers" and a side labeled "Praises."  This will allow me to visually read and be reminded of the things I should be praying for.  As I create this wall throughout the summer, I hope to be able to move most of my prayer requests to the "Praises" side.  I am actually quite interested to look at my wall right before I head off to school in August and see everything that God has been doing this summer.

It is sometimes easy to feel like the weight of others...or even just your own life is pulling you down.  It is nice to be reminded that I can carry that weight to the Cross.  God wants us to go to Him.  He wants us to be able to be open with what is going on in our lives.

Going to God in prayer and laying down my troubles can help build faith that He is in control.  It is so easy to worry and have doubts about troubles in life, but to know that God can get you through it can help you build a stronger relationship in Him.  

You can make that decision to have complete faith in God when you first go to the foot of the Cross.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13

This song is not necessarily about prayer, but it is a great reminder that by going to God you have the opportunity to change and become a new creation in Him :)

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