Sunday, June 3, 2012

Open Eyes, Open Mind

Three blog posts in a row?! Wow, I have not done that since...well...six months ago!  I had no intentions to be doing this, but last night I feel it was put on my heart to once again spend a month doing a blog a day.  A lot has happened in six months, but I feel that this will be good for me as I grow closer to Christ.  Actually, I am still in awe that I managed to post a blog post EVERY SINGLE DAY through the month of December.  It was great discipline and allowed that set, daily time to reflect on what God is doing in my life.  So...bring it on.  The Many Adventures of Ashley and Christ Part II is in action!

I feel that I admit this a lot, but being home has just been...awkward.  I miss my friends, my bible study, and my (do I dare say it) classes.  One thing I never really thought I would miss so much is blogging.  I miss writing down what is on my mind...I miss looking back on these posts to see what God had/has been doing in my life.  For the longest time I was doing video blogs.  It was not bad...I mean, it was fun to  I love to write though, and spend more time on my here I am.

Wow...I did not mean to talk that much just about that...haha.


I will admit it.  As much as I do not sometimes feel Christ always near, I see what He has really been doing, and with that...gain faith that He truly is there...ALL OF THE TIME.

There have been so many things that have just fallen into place that I could not take any blame for besides to God.

I have been praying to have an accountability partner this summer, or at least a good group of friends who set a great example for me.  Let's just say it has been rather hard finding those friends while I have been home.  God has given me an opportunity to join a college bible study!  Man, you do not know how excited I am!  It makes me so thankful.  Another thing God has been putting on my heart is to reconnect with a friend who I have...grown apart from this year.

For the longest time I was having such bitter feelings towards this person, I will admit it.  For some reason God had to keep them on my heart and I continued to pray for them even though I did not want all. I am truly thankful God kept putting them on my heart.  My heart needed some major fixing.  Being away at college helped to distract me and move on, but I was really not looking forward to coming home if we were still not on speaking terms.

Let's just say that I get to reconnect with this person this week, and I am actually very excited.  It is unlike me to hold grudges, and this reconnection will help me as I am able to show Christ's love to everyone.

I would have not had any idea about what God's plans for my life were going to be this summer, but it is rather exciting to take time to actually see what God has been doing and be open to what is ahead.

This will be a great hopes are looking a little brighter.  Thankfully, I have a God that is greater!

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