Friday, February 24, 2012

Faithful Fridays- It's Lent Follow-Up!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Such a good point. During the season of Lent we often think of what to give up---what can I sacrifice to glorify God who paid the ultimate price for me? But, in reality, we should be sacrificing to God all the time; we should want to live our lives in such a way that we glorify Him every day. I like that. But, as you mentioned, Lent is also a time when we can work on adding things to our lives that bring us closer to God. I was taught that during this season, we sacrifice something to God, but we also work on taking on something as well. This year I am giving up anxiety and taking on prayer. I guess we should be in a "season of Lent" each and every day, though...? Something to think about.
