Monday, December 12, 2011

Dear Mom

Dear Mom,

Words cannot begin to describe how much I appreciate you.  I know I may not show much respect at times, but I really do love you.  This blog post is just for you!

You were the first person in my life to:
Kiss my forehead
Stay up all night with me while I was crying
Tuck me in at night
Hold my hand
Tell me I am beautiful

I am so thankful to have you because:
There is not another single person in this world that I could tell anything to without them judging me.
Some girls are not as fortunate enough to have an active mom in their life.
You are such a great example on how to be strong when it is so easy to be weak.
I would never have known what the word "clean" meant as I went into college.
Dad would not make a good mother.

What I love about you is:
That you are not perfect.
Your little clappy dance that I inherited.
That you pray for me and encourage me everyday.
That you tell me you love me.
That no matter what nasty thing I say to you, you still put up with me and show me even more love.

What you've taught me that I will never forget:
My name, address, and phone number
Girls are insecure and should not put me down
Everyone makes mistakes, but it allows a chance for growth
Boys will break my heart
No matter what, I can always go to you for someone to listen

You have made an impact in my life more than you will ever know.  I thank God everyday about how blessed I am to have you as my mother.  I can only hope I can be as great of mother someday.  Just don't spoil my kids...too much.

Love you!

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