Friday, January 6, 2012

We Need Each Other

Wow.  Today is a good day.  As I am sitting here writing this, I look out the window to see birds flying around and the sun giving off this radiant glow.  God is cool.  I love it when He gives me little reminders like that about how cool He really is.  Is it seriously January??

Ok, I have to admit this, the beautiful weather outside actually has nothing to do with what I want to talk about today.  Sorry, I just had to get it out of my system...

There is something else put on my heart today.  Something that only the great Randy Newman could sing about....friends.  This winter break has really shown me the importance of friendships.  I find myself so blessed to have some very great friends in my life.  There have been a lot of things I have had to go through within the last few years and it is nice to know that I have had them by my side.  I can only hope I have been there for them when they have needed it.

Friends are great for so many things: having sleepovers, venting about boys, having a shoulder to cry on...but I think the most important is having accountability.

Accountability is important on so many levels.  It is so nice to know that I have my friends who are there to help prevent me from doing something I will later regret.  Sometimes when I want to act on my emotions, I find that my friends are there to help be the voice of reason.

It is also necessary to have friends who can make you accountable in your walk with Christ.  God wants us to keep each other accountable in our faith to help us grow.  Do you know of any people who are keeping you accountable with Christ?

This week I encourage you to thank the friends you have in your life.  Sometimes I feel like I do not show them as much appreciation as they deserve.  So yes, thank them for...being awesome.

If you do not feel like you have any accountability partners for your faith, I inspire you to ask someone you feel comfortable with to help lift you up.  I know I am not super close to every single person that reads my blogs, but if you ever have anything you need to be prayed for, I can definitely do it!

We are all hear to encourage each other as we move to grow closer to Christ.

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