Thursday, June 7, 2012

More God, less me

10 o'clock bedtime? Yes, the new norm for me.  Now I may be pushing it to 10:30 tonight because I have to write this and I also do not have work tomorrow.  Yes, you heard me...I do not have work tomorrow!  Pool day for sure!  Little ol' me still has Biology at 8 in the morning tomorrow.  Oh, I will be fine.  Although...I could really go for a sandwich right about now...oh...anyway.

I am getting a lot more used to the whole getting up at 6, leaving at 7:30, going to class at 8-9:40, hanging out at my dad's office till 10:45, and then working 11-6.  It may have helped that I got to leave work two hours earlier, but hey...same time...basically.  

So here I am...reflecting about my day.  It was actually a pretty good day.  God finds ways to always sneak himself in there to remind me that He is there.  Actually, God is always there.  I just often get blinded by the earthly distractions that I seem to find more important.  

This is a short blog post...I am just relieved that tomorrow is Friday.  In one week from tomorrow I am flying to Michigan to see my boyfriend who I have not seen in six weeks.  I am actually surprised we have done so well being apart.  Actually, the only explanation is our patience, discipline, and reliability on God.  He was the one that definitely got us through.  This summer is turning out far more rewarding than I would have admitted a few days ago.  

I guess what I have learned is to not take God's work in your life for granted.  It may seem stressful at times, but it is far more rewarding in the end.  On Monday I had no idea how I was going to survive school and work, but I am already getting used to it.  On the last day of school I thought it would take forever to see my boyfriend again, but the time is almost here.  Even while I was working I thought it would take forever before I would get off work, but I was able to leave early.

Sometimes I just need to not be a backseat driver, but to let God take the wheel.

More God, less me.

"He must become greater, I must become less." -John 3:30

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