Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Year of Endings, But Even Greater Beginnings

This is it.  The year of 2011 is now ending.  As I look back on this year, I am amazed at how far I have come.  Many old things came to a close, and many new things opened up.

-I graduated high school...I started college.
-I lost a lot of old friends...I gained a lot of new friends.
-I had my first "love"...I had my first broken heart.
-I thought my family hit our lowest point...I see that we are now stronger than ever.
-I was walking through the motions...I am now walking with Christ.

It is funny how much a year can impact your life.  There are some things that I remember that I wish had never happened...but as I think about it more, I find that I am truly pleased with what I have gone through.  God has really protected me, and there is no better way to thank Him than to live out my thanks for Him today.  I have grown, but more than anything, I have definitely matured.

God is turning me into a Woman-of-Christ.  It is kind of exciting about who I am becoming.  I will be the first one to tell you that I am not perfect, but God thinks I am enough.  He has a plan for me and has been working since day one to accomplish it.  I have found that this year has probably been my biggest leap towards moving with Christ.  I think I could even go out and say that these last two months have been the most impacting for me.

If some things that happened this year had never occurred, I really do not think my walk with Christ would be as strong...or existent for that matter.

I highly doubt I would have ever started blogging if it were not for the struggles I faced in the past.  When I started writing, I mainly did it for myself.  I wanted to release some thoughts and blog about my journey for me to read in the future.  It was a personal goal of mine to write a daily blog all through the month of December.  Looking back through the month, I had no idea how much attention it got.  I never had intentions to have so many readers.  Over 1,000 page views later, I am now finishing my last blog for my monthly goal.

I plan to continue to blog whenever God puts something on my heart, but it will not be a daily thing.  God has definitely used me as an influence to others, and I find that pretty cool.

2012 is going to be another year of challenges.  God will pull me through, though.  I am more than excited for what God has in store for me this next year.

If you stay true to God, He can promise you that greater things are yet to come!

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